Use Case

Quarterly business reviews

Revcast product: Quarterly revenue plan performance scorecards, trends, risks and opportunities

Goals of a Good QBR

During quarterly business reviews (QBRs), the agenda should involve two phases that review goals, metrics, and initiatives:

  • Review your actual performance vs. plan.
This should include a meaningful narrative about why things went off track, met, or exceeded targets.
  • Look to the future and refine activities.
Key QBR insights include knowing how certain areas are trending and identifying risks and opportunities to hit your next set of targets.

It's a big lift to prepare for business reviews

A lot of data must be gathered to have successful, informative QBRs to make good business decisions. This data burden often falls heavily on Revenue Operations (RevOps) but also can involve sales managers, sales reps, business and financial analysts, and marketing operations.

An ideal QBR should cover:

Pipeline and sales capacity

Don't shortchange foundational assumptions and plan elements: hiring status, ramps, quota on the street, attrition, attainment, org movements and leaves, marketing contribution.

Insights by each rep and/or segment

Requires a template and process to ensure data consistency across all team members, so that meaningful insights emerge.

An aggregate, consolidated view

This also requires consistency in data sourcing and reporting, to ensure reliability and correct timeframe of the data once it’s combined.

Enabling insights and analysis

Rather than simply “retelling” data that everyone can see and pre-read, insights should facilitate deeper assessment and go-forward plans.
"It requires a lot of data, a lot of KPIs, ones you might not regularly collect data and report against. The time to construct the QBRs is often an enormous strain on resources. Revcast helps you understand ramp capacity, hiring attrition, and attainment so that you can easily incorporate those into the narrative you want to share with the QBR. The areas you're doing well, the areas you need to do better, and most importantly project how those might impact the future quarter."
How Revcast Helps

Enriched and Strategic QBRs

Revcast frees up significant QBR prep time to focus more on analysis and strategic planning vs. data gathering and report formatting. You gain the transparency to explore key capacity indicators and to dig deeper into performance and trends.

Insights automatically surfaced
Provides current scorecards, alerts, and insights based on actuals vs. plan to help you focus business review conversations and prioritize actions.
Full pipeline capacity view
Integrates from multiple sources the broad set of data inputs you need to get a full go-to-market capacity picture, from marketing to SDRs to sales and budget.
Flexible time periods
Toggle between quarterly or monthly views to see historic data, trends, and forward estimates, rather than having to re-gather data and generate new reports for different periods.
Team, segment, and company views
Roll up or drill-down with just a few clicks to see the data at more detailed levels within your org structure, or aggregated for summary insights.

Key inputs and insights to include in business reviews

Revcast ensures your QBRs are informed by insights on revenue capacity, plan performance, and future projections. Plans that are wrong stay wrong longer if you have blind spots to where risks and opportunities are emerging.

Get always-on access to:

  • Structure of sales teams, members, and movement
  • Sales hiring timing
  • On-boarding and ramp times
  • Quota on the street
  • Achievement on multiple types of quotas
  • Team attrition and leave
  • Marketing pipeline production
  • BDR or SDR pipeline contribution
  • Costs by quarter and by month
Revcast product: Get deeper insights for QBRs on revenue plan and pipeline capacity actuals

Level-up those QBRs for better future results.

See Revcast in action to provide the insights and analysis your need for revenue wins.
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